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Show Reel 2020

by Joel Ritchie

Feel free to check out my Show ReelFull tracks from the show reel are listed above in running order. Featured tracks are from the 'Songlines' and 'A Thousand Lives' installations and various singles.

Buy music at: Bandcamp

Listen to music on: Soundcloud

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A Thousand Lives

by Joel Ritchie

Music from the video installation 'I've Lived A Thousand Lives And I'll Live A Thousand More'.

Buy 'A Thousand Lives' on: Bandcamp

Listen to 'A Thousand Lives' on: Soundcloud

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by Joel Ritchie

Music from the gallery installation 'Songlines'.

Buy 'Songlines' on: Bandcamp

Listen to 'Songlines' on: Soundcloud

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My Precious, Please Come

by Joel Ritchie

'My Precious, Please Come' - composed by Joel Ritchie and featuring and ensemble of oud, santur and taiko drums. Released as a single and was entered into the '8Dio Composer Competition 2016'

Buy 'My Precious, Please Come' on: Bandcamp

Listen to 'My Precious, Please Come' on: Soundcloud

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Say Goodbye To The City

by Joel Ritchie

'Say Goodbye To The City' - composed by Joel Ritchie. Single taken from the Heath Mongolia album. Featuring ghost piano and muted trumpet performed by Joel Ritchie.

Buy 'Say Goodbye To The City' on: Bandcamp